
Raneen had worked in this brothel for what felt like her whole life. She had suffered at the hands of men and had become depressed. Her madame used drugs to keep her girls under control and the effects of these drugs only brought Raneen lower. She was so sick and rarely slept until one day her body had had enough and shut down. Raneen collapsed in the small room she serviced men from and didn't move for 6 hours. Her madame continued sending customers to Raneen's room until one man finally complained and left.

Angered by Raneen's illness, the madame had Raneen dumped in the street still unconscious. But Raneen wasn't dead. And when a Project Rescue team came across her, still lying where she had been dumped, they slowly gave her water until she was revived. She began sobbing in pain and confusion.

Our team took her to the hospital where she was tended and when she was released she had no where to go. She was invited to come to the Project Rescue center where she could live, get an education, receive counseling, and go through vocational training. Without hesitating, she accepted the offer. Raneen is on a hard journey to restoration but she is no longer full of anger and joyfully helps out around the home.