
Nuria is 21 years old.  Her father threw her out onto the streets when she was just 15 years old. Since then she has gone through a lot including bad and violent relationships, leading to heartache and several abortions. This then took her to consuming drugs and alcohol. Her sense of hopelessness then led her to an attempt to commit suicide.

When Project Rescue's team met Nuria, she opened up to tell them her story. She is timid and sweet but has faced many unjust experiences where she had been taken advantage of and abused. Nuria had no support, nor encouragement; no hand to take that offered her some hope. Project Rescue continued calling Nuria with encouragement and checking in on her.  Nuria then decided to accept our help and is now in one of our PR safe homes receiving all the love and care she needs to restore her life and have a new beginning.